Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Heron Today, Gone Tomorrow?

The LRH kindly stands his ground as I sneak up for a close-up...
what a beautfiully elegant bird!

As a rule while running errands i try to bring my digital camera with me just in case I come across anything of visual interst. Whether my foot, bicycle or automobile, when I'm aware in advance that I'll be passing Lake Riley at the nearby (about three boocks) Cobbs Hill, I check for the presence of the brd I politely refer to as the Lake Riley Heron (LRH).

This morning I had the good fortunes of both seeing him, having my camera and the time to stop...

I like this picture because the LRH has his legs in a slightly different position than that of which I am used to: one straight and one at a "V" angle--its like here I caught him at mid-step..

The relative view of both the "lake" and LRH from the road. I always try to see if LRH is "home" when taking the left onto the expressway.

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