Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Do You See What I See?

Given this blogger penchant for a certain type of water fowl, just what is this really intended to be a picture of? Can you see it?

The photo above was taken during our trip to the Adirondacks last week. It is times like these when I wish I had (or look forward to acquiring) a telephoto lens for our camera. AS it stands now, the best I can do is take a picture (like the one above) and using some software to magnify and sharpen the image resulting in the picture below:

Why it's a heron of course, this time seen in the Racquette River!

This original photo above had initially been snapped in hopes of capturing a second, "after" photo, one that would show the heron snatching a fish from the water. While actually seeing live-and-in-person the series of events (silent waiting following by the snatch) was oddly breathtaking (quick, fast, graceful, natural), the photo I took? Not so much.

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