Saturday, March 19, 2011

Getting Ready!

One of the surest signs of Spring's return to upstate New York is the re-emergence of fully stocked bird feeders to neighborhood backyards. This is not to suggest that folks don't offer up feed to bird in the winter months, but rather that the increased viewing potential of the Spring and Summer months means a more concerted effort to attract some of the seasonal locals.

For me, this also meant that I had to clean up our feeders before restocking them, especially our large cylindrical wild-bird feeder, pictured to the right and left. Over the course of the winter, while we had occasionally filled it up, the moist, wet or frozen seed had become caked deep inside--Yuck!

With the beautiful weather last weekend, I had hoped that by cleaning and refilling all three of our bird feeders (two cylindrical--one for Nyjer and one (pictured) for traditional wild bird seed, and suet ball dispenser)the yard would see the return of our aviary visitors.

The first few days things were slow to pick, but by Friday, despite a temperature shift of minus 20+ degrees, it was clear that seed had been being eaten, only I was not around to see it. While I could auditory pick-up the occasional early morning chatter, leaving when it was dark out for work, precluded my ability to actually "see" anything.

I remain confident of better fortunes his weekend!

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