Bicycle: 2 miles @ 7:45 a.m.
Weather: Mostly Cloudy, 72°F, 73% Humidity, Wind: From SSW @ 15 mph, gusting to 26 mph; feels like 72°F.
Course: To Lake Riley (in Cobbs Hill Park) and back.
Located less than a mile from our home is a small county park which includes (among other things such as a reservoir, basketball courts and a small series of trails) a small man-made lake, Lake Riley. (In truth, Lake Riley is really more of a moderately-sized inland pond.) I pass by the park many times during any given day, and often while doing so, my wife and I will notice the distinctive silhouette of a Great Blue Heron standing on the edge of the lake or in the reeds at the northern-most part.
Amid the trappings of an urban area, save the small park in which the lake resides, the bird always seems out-of-context. Most days when we notice it, I am without my camera and have (for a month or so at least) occasionally attempted to remember to bring my camera so that I might snap a picture of it. On those days, of course, I notice neither feather nor beak of (what I have dubbed) the "Lake Riley Heron."
This morning, however, I went for a short bicycle ride to Cobbs Hill in hopes of photographing the elusive Lake Riley Heron and was in luck.
I look froward to checking back on the Lake Riley Heron from time to time to see just how he/she's doing...
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