Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Urban Peregrine Falcon Down!

Happier times for Mariah and friend at the peregrine falcon nesting box.

This past weekend (and into Monday's regional news cycle) it was reported locally that Mariah, our downtown area's lone female peregrine falcon had met with some hard times. Prior to this past weekend, the majority of recent updates had surrounded the recent moving of her nesting box and the efforts by some local groups to entice a new mate for Mariah, the ultimate goal being more falcons.

Mariah has had a long and storied relationship with community birdwatchers and passersby alike. Since 1998, a total of 31 falcons have been hatched by Rochester's resident female raptor. The Rochester Peregrine Falcon Project is responsible for choosing the location of the nest box that is described as a perfect nesting place that simulates their natural cliff habitat. (Note: Falcons have been nearly decimated by pesticides. Recovery programs such as the one in Rochester are helping to increase the numbers.)

Given that the "laying season" typically begins during the first week in April, followed by hatching about five weeks later and fledglings 38-to-45-days later, members of the community-at-large have become accustomed to hearing about Mariah's "progress," which is where the unfortunate news comes into play... this past weekend Mariah was attacked and wounded at her shoulder in what has been described as a "territorial dispute" high above the city streets leaving Mariah left with an injured shoulder by the two interlopers. Following the attack, she has been taken to a local wildlife "rehabber."

It is great to see (and hear via the local radio) that this particular story has continued to have such great legs wings, especially as I am all for whatever raises the community awareness of our "feathered friends," and despite the most recent news. In a way, these types of territorial skirmishes are the natural outgrowth of a growing peregrine falcon population.

If you (like I) are interested in following Mariah's progress (and that of any other falcon's that should begin to occupy the nesting boxes), both the Rochester FalconCam and their affiliated yahoo group, K Falcon Cam are great places to get the freshest news.

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