Friday, July 21, 2006

Backyard Birdwatch: Tweee-Tweee-Twe-Twe-Twe

Time: 6:37-6:57 a.m.

Weather Report: Cloudy, 72°F, 87% Humidity, Winds: WSW @ 7 mph; feels like 72°F.

Location: The backyard of my home in the upstate New York City of Rochester. (See map at the bottom of the left column for spacial reference.)

Bird Species/Markings/Features:--1 female American Robin (AR)and TWO fledgings.

Sights/Sounds/Activities: The air conditioner 'whitenoise' continues to permeate the backyard. There is still, however, the distinct sound of competing chatter and song which, by walking to different points in the yard, I can focus in on more carefully. I have difficutly triangulating sharply enough to make a visual identification.

The "Tweee-Tweee-Twe-Twe-Twe" mentioned in the post title, is call I heard repeatedly in the far corner of my yard behind the Hub 1 tree. I spent quite a bit of time with my binoculars trying to "see" the bird making the sound. Much of this involves watching shadows and leaves looking for any movement and then following the movement along the branches until it stops. I was unsuccessful in visually identifying the bird, but the 'hunt' was enjoyable!

An important correction from my previous post: there appears to be TWO American Robin fledgings, rather than the one reported yesterday. My son and I watched them for some time yesterday, craning their heads, waiting for lunch.

Notes: I would like to acquire a CD of New York birdsongs. This might be a better way to initially identify what birds I should be looking for. I know that there is a companion CD for the field guide I am using. Maybe its time to print off one of those Barnes and Noble e-coupons I'm always getting, and purchase one. My library, unfortunately, does not carry them.

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