Time: 7:15-7:25 a.m.
Weather Report: Cloudy, 72°F, 65% Humidity, Winds: SSW @ 13 mph; feels like 72°F.
Location: The backyard of my home in the upstate New York City of Rochester. (See map at the bottom of the left column for spacial reference.)
Bird Species/Markings/Features:--1 female American Robin (AR), 2 fledgings, and 1 female House Sparrow.
Sights/Sounds/Activities: The strong breeze created a peacefule windswept counterbalance to what has become the pervasive air conditioner 'whitenoise.' The aviary chatter and song did not seem so strng this morning, although, again, the sound of rustling tree bracnhes, grasses and bushes was fairly strong, so might account for why I cuold not necessarily zero in on the birdsong.
Over the past week, Anne and I have installed two cylindrical bird feeders, one in the backyard on Hub Tree 2, and the second on another tree beside our front porch in the front yard. Both are Droll Yankee Tube feeders.
Feeder 1(backyard) is loaded with Nyjer thistle seed and Feeder 2 is filled with Black Oil Sunflower seed. Initially, there had been little bird activity around either, but over the last 24-36 hours this has changed. While still not wildly "busy," the birds seem to have discovered them so are beginning to use the feeders, at least for resting, if not eating.
Notes: The American Robin fledgings are growing each day. There mother and father seem to continually bring them food, so they are certainly eating! I expect that before too long they will be trying to leave the nest. This has me a little concerned as in the past what has happened is that the bird just drops from the nest and, becuase they can't get a way fast enough, they are "attacked" by cats or the dog. I am trying to keep an eye on Gracie (our dog) and the nest when she is outside to prevent this from happening.
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